The ''Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden; Variationen für Orchester nach Paul Klee (Variations for Orchestra after Paul Klee)'' by Jason Wright Wingate was completed in 2009 and consists of 27 movements, each depicting a painting or drawing by Paul Klee. In form, the movements are also variations on a musical theme based on the letters of the artist's name, each taking its title from the Klee work referenced. The Symphony's movements, with English translation of titles followed by tempo markings, are as follows:〔 # ''Bewegung der Gewölbe'' ("Movement of the Vaulted Chambers") - ''Andante gotico'' # ''Furcht vor Verdoppelung'' ("Fear of Becoming Double") - ''Vivace misurato'' #''Eros'' ("Eros") - ''Grave libidinoso'' # ''Die Zwitschermaschine'' ("The Twittering Machine") - ''Allegro meccanico'' # ''Gelehrter'' ("Scholar") - ''Lento con moto'' # ''Flucht vor sich (Stadium )'' ("Flight from Oneself (State )") - ''Prestissimo'' # ''Einsiedelei'' ("Hermitage") - ''Larghetto introspettivo'' # ''Der Tod für die Idee'' ("Death for an Idea") - ''Vivace portentoso'' # ''Zwillinge'' ("Twins") - ''Allegro compiaciuto'' # ''Seltsamer Garten'' ("Strange Garden") - ''Largo germogliare'' # ''Rechnender Greis'' ("Old Man Counting") - ''Andante calcolazione'' # ''Fatales Fagott Solo'' ("Fatal Bassoon Solo") - ''Allegretto sinistro'' # ''Uhrpflanzen'' ("Clock-plants") - ''Adagietto cronologico'' # ''Fuge in Rot'' ("Fugue in Red") - ''Moderato rossastro'' # ''Regen'' ("Rain") - ''Allegretto spruzzatina'' # ''Paukenspieler'' ("Kettledrummer") - ''Grave morboso'' # ''Ein Stückchen Eden'' ("A Fragment of Eden") - ''Andantino innocente'' # ''Mit den beiden Verirrten'' ("With the Two Lost Ones") - ''Lento ansioso'' # ''Leidende Frucht'' ("Suffering Fruit") - ''Lento antropomorfismo'' # ''Ausgang der Menagerie'' ("Outing of the Menagerie") - ''Vivace zoologico'' # ''Mädchen in Trauer'' ("Girl in Mourning") - ''Andante addolorato'' # ''Schwarzer Fürst'' ("Black Prince") - ''Allegro bellicoso'' # ''Gestirne über dem Tempel'' ("The Firmament Above the Temple") - ''Larghissimo contemplativo'' # ''Katze und Vogel'' ("Cat and Bird") - ''Andantino desideroso'' # ''Anatomie der Aphrodite'' ("Anatomy of Aphrodite") - ''Allegretto cubista'' # ''Die Schlangengöttin und ihr Feind'' ("The Snake Goddess and Her Foe") - ''Con moto mitologico'' # ''Ad Parnassum'' ("To Parnassus") - ''Allegro trascendente'' ==References== 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク